SweetzFree Review

For those of us wanting to cut down on our sugar intake, decrease calories, and lose weight, it can be challenging to find a sweetener that not only tastes good in a cup of coffee, but that can be used with cooking.
Like many artificial sweeteners on the market today, challenges abound. Some artificial sweetener granules don’t dissolve in your tea, or that batch of cupcakes you made with artificial sweetener or unsweetened applesauce just doesn’t cut it in the taste or texture department.
While we want to avoid sugar, we also want to avoid some of the ingredients found in some artificial sugars. We want to avoid the preservatives and many of the chemical components found in them that you need a dictionary to define.
But what’s the bottom line? Are artificial sweeteners good or bad for you, and how does SweetzFree rate in the artificial sugar department?
Artificial sweeteners: are they at all good for you?
Artificial sweeteners do offer some benefits to consumers. For example, they offer very low calories but they also pack flavor due to their concentration, so you don’t need as much to flavor your coffee, that bowl of cereal, or in cooking your favorite desserts. Artificial sweeteners are also considered an acceptable alternative to sugar for diabetics. Did you know that artificial sweeteners don’t contribute to dental cavities?
Even though artificial sweeteners do have some redeeming points, they can also contain a number of ingredients that can prove detrimental to health.
What is SweetzFree?
SweetzFree is a sucralose based sweetening syrup – yes, liquid form – that contains no calories, no carbs, and no maltodextrin fillers. It’s pure, 100% sucralose. Even better, it doesn’t take contain any extra ingredients, meaning none of those preservatives that you can barely wrap your tongue around when reading ingredient labels. So no additives and no sodium benzoate (a preservative).
Why users prefer SweetzFree
Users prefer SweetzFree because of its ease-of-use. As a clear liquid syrup, it dissolves instantly in beverages and foods, and because of its concentration, you don’t need to use very much for positive results. SweetzFree can be used as a sugar substitute in any recipe for desserts, foods, or beverages that require sugar.
In fact, because of its concentration, one (1) drop of SweetzFree is equal to 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. Or, look at it this way. A ¼ teaspoon serving of SweetzFree equals one cup of sugar. That makes it economical and beneficial for health and wellness.
How do I use SweetzFree in Cooking?
In in addition to its zero calories and with zero sugar components, SweetzFree is 100% sucralose. As an artificial sweetener, it’s an easy-to-use sweetener for a number of uses. Because it’s 600 times sweeter than sugar, it’s an excellent choice for use in baking, frozen dairy desserts, beverages, and gelatins. Because of its molecular makeup, it’s stable and maintains its sweetness even at high baking temperatures[1], making it an effective sugar substitute in all baked goods.
There’s really no limit to what you can cook or bake when using SweetzFree. It’s a sugar substitute, so any recipe that calls for sugar can be substituted with SweetzFree. From muffins to pies to cookies, cupcakes, and even coleslaw recipes, SweetzFree is a convenient and simple sugar substitute.
SweetzFree and other liquid Splendas
Sucralose (otherwise known as Splenda) is one of the most popular and affordable artificial sweeteners on the market today. Among other options for liquid splendors include Splenda Zero® and Splenda Zero® Liquid Stevia Sweetener.
You can find other liquid sweeteners on the market by number of manufacturers, but always read ingredient labels and understand what they are and what they do. Many ingredients in artificial sugars include chemical preservatives. If in doubt, especially if you have a medical condition, discuss a product with your primary care physician prior to use.
Is sucralose safe?
Sucralose was “discovered” in London in 1976 by researchers at Queen Elizabeth College. Sucralose is manufactured through a step-by-step process that starts with table sugar. During the process, three hydrogen-oxygen groups are replaced with three chlorine atoms, resulting in a sweetener that has the taste of sugar, but without the added calories. For 20 years, sucralose was tested and finally approved for worldwide distribution. A number of institutions engaged in testing and final approval of the product, including:
- The US Food and Drug Administration
- Japanese Food Sanitation Council
- The European Food Safety Authority
- Health Canada
- Food Standards Australia/New Zealand
- The Joint (Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
Scientific studies have tested and demonstrated, along with food regulatory agencies, that sucralose is safe.
Impact of Sucralose on blood sugar
A prevalent belief that has made the rounds for decades claims that sucralose affects blood sugar. This is a myth. Studies have shown that sucralose has no effect on either the metabolism of carbohydrates, or on insulin secretions, or on short and long-term blood sugar maintenance. The body does not identify sucralose as a sugar or carbohydrate. Previous long-term studies involved populations with and without diabetes and included high-dose intake.
Recent studies (2019) have determined daily consumption of pure sucralose (or aspartame) for two weeks had no effect on glucose metabolism or insulin sensitivity among healthy adults.[2] Those with any form of diabetes should always verify safety with their physician.
In fact, the FDA determined, based on their data of sucralose, that it supports safe use by individuals, including those diagnosed with diabetes. Using sucralose-based products as a beverage and food sweetener enables diabetics to enjoy a wider variety of food products and beverages that aid in safe, nutritional intake.
Talk to your doctor about short and long-term use of sucralose based on your age, health status, or any contributing medical issues. As with most things, moderation is always recommended.
When looking for artificial sweeteners, take the time to do your homework. Not all are created equal. SweetzFree is an option for not only diabetics, but individuals looking for healthy and safe weight loss, or those simply wanting to cut out extra sugar in their diet.
What are some common challenges associated with using artificial sweeteners, and how does SweetzFree address these challenges?
- Some common challenges with artificial sweeteners include issues with dissolving in beverages or affecting the taste and texture of cooked foods. SweetzFree addresses these challenges by being a clear liquid syrup that dissolves instantly in beverages and foods, without affecting taste or texture. It's also free from fillers and preservatives found in some artificial sweeteners, making it a pure and easy-to-use option.
How does SweetzFree compare to other artificial sweeteners like Splenda, especially in terms of safety and impact on blood sugar?
- SweetzFree is a sucralose-based sweetening syrup, similar to Splenda, but it contains no calories, carbs, or maltodextrin fillers. It's 100% sucralose, making it a concentrated and effective sweetener. Studies and food regulatory agencies have demonstrated that sucralose, including SweetzFree, is safe for use, including by individuals with diabetes. Sucralose does not affect blood sugar levels or insulin secretion, making it a suitable option for diabetics and those looking to reduce sugar intake.
What are the benefits of using SweetzFree in cooking, and are there any limitations to its use in recipes?
- SweetzFree is 600 times sweeter than sugar, making it an excellent choice for baking, frozen desserts, beverages, and gelatins. It maintains its sweetness even at high baking temperatures, making it a versatile sugar substitute. There are no specific limitations to using SweetzFree in recipes; it can be substituted for sugar in any recipe that calls for sugar, from muffins to pies to cookies and more. However, as with any sweetener, moderation is recommended, and individuals with medical conditions should consult their healthcare provider before use.
[1] https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/additional-information-about-high-intensity-sweeteners-permitted-use-food-united-states
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31697573
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