Phone: 888-346-9747
Email: customerservice@hellopip.com
General Questions
How do I create a Pip account?
When you sign up for a subscription, an account is automatically created or you. Here is the link to login (no password needed!) - Account Page
Can I return Pip products?
You can return unopened products and receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
Where do you ship?
At the present time, we ship only to the United States. We hope to ship to more countries soon!
Do you offer free shipping?
Free shipping on orders over $25. For orders under $25 within the U.S. there is a $5 shipping fee. We do not ship outside the U.S.
How do I cancel my Refill Plan?
How do I modify my Refill Plan?
How do I use my Pip Lancets?
Are Pip Lancets safe for children?
Are Pip Lancets covered by insurance?
What glucose meter is Pip compatible with?
Do I need a lancing device to use Pip Lancets?
What if I don't like Pip Lancets?
How does your Trial work?
How should I dispose of Pip Lancets?
Can Pip Lancets be used more than once?
What is the difference between the different colors?
What is the best way to use Pip Lancets to poke my finger?
Meters & Test Strips
Why do I receive different test results after testing back to back?
This meter reads lower/higher than my old meter.
My reading is low/high but I feel fine.
What is considered a good/normal reading?
Can I use alternative testing sites?
How do I set up the date and time?
How do I store my meter and strips?
When will my test strips expire?
The expiration date is written on the package. Typically your strips should last approximately 720 days. However, in order to ensure they don't expire early, you need to keep the bottle sealed at all times unless removing a test strip from the bottle.
Does the Pip meter have Bluetooth?
The Pip meter does NOT offer Bluetooth at this time. Our mission is to make managing your diabetes as simple and seamless as possible. We have heard from many customers about the frustrations they face in dealing with Bluetooth on their monitors. We decided that having a meter without Bluetooth would help simplify this process. :)
How much blood does a Pip meter require for testing?
Only a tiny 0.8 μL drop of blood is required for an accurate reading.
Can you download your results & history from the Pip Glucose Meter?
We do not currently offer this feature with this meter. However, we provide you with a log book, so you can keep track and share with your Endocrinologist.
Pen Needles
Are Pip Pen Needles compatible with all pen injectors?
Pip Pen Needles have a universal fit and should work with most pen injectors.
We're here to help. If you couldn't find the information you were looking for, please reach out to us directly. Our team is eager to assist you.