What Can A Diabetic Eat At Subway?

BettyJo Wolf
4 min read
Subway Sandwich


If you have diabetes, then you know that it’s hard to stick to a strict dietary plan during breakfast and lunch. Most people have a short window of time to eat, and the temptation to head for the local fast food joint is overpowering. However, you do have a choice besides the typical hamburger and taco stops. Subway lets you create the sandwich or meal of your dreams that fits your dietary restrictions if you make wise choices. 

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Subway: A Diabetic and Heart Healthy Choice 

As a diabetic, you are probably searching for a healthy food chain choice. Subway absolutely meets the criteria. In fact, The American Heart Association has honored the food chain with the Heart-Check Certification. In order to receive the certification, very clear cut regulations set forth by the American Heart Association and the FDA or USDA must be met.  

Subway’s Nutritional Chart

Diabetes sufferers can benefit from the Subway Nutritional Chart. Click on whatever choice to obtain more information. You’ll know exactly what is in each sandwich. In addition, you can click on the food calculator to pick and choose the various toppings to quickly calculate the information of what you need. 

Ordering Breakfast at Subway

Many mistakenly believe that because Subway is only sandwich shop, and that they do not serve breakfast. However, subway offers many tantalizing choices for a healthy breakfast. For instance, you can pick a flatbread with veggies. Their egg and cheese sandwiches have 3 grams of sugar and 44 grams of carbohydrates. It’s the lowest carbohydrate choice on the menu. 

Can You Eat a Subway Sandwich with Diabetes?

Aside from breakfast - Yes, you can enjoy a genuine Subway sandwich if you have diabetes. You’ll need to forego the white bread and instead pick the 9-grain wheat bread. Subway creates this delicious bread completely from whole wheat. If you pick a mini whole wheat sandwich, then you are looking at 27 carbs. Their 6-inch wheat bread is 40 carbs. Remember, when it comes time to pick your toppings, if you choose fats and proteins, then they act as blood sugar stabilizers, which can offset the carb consumption. With a few smart topping choices, you can quickly build a diabetic-friendly Subway sandwich.

Counting Carb Considerations

When using the Subway nutritional grid, do not become obsessed with the carbs listed because you can quickly make the wrong choices. An example is their mini Italian bread. It shows that it only has 25 grams of carbs, so you might be tempted to order it. However, please remember that your body processes white bread differently. It passes through your system rapidly, so it is far more detrimental to a diabetic because it will rapidly raise your blood glucose levels. Ideally, when making a bread choice at Subway, always go with the 9-grain bread as the most diabetic-friendly option. 

Salads at Subway

Most people associate Subway with sandwiches and don’t even realize that they have plenty of healthy and delicious salads. You can’t go wrong with a salad if you are a diabetic. 

Wraps and Higher Carbs


You might think that a wrap would be a good low carb choice, but this is not the case. The wraps have more carbs than the bread. You’ll be in the 50g range of carbs if you choose a wrap, which is high. 

A Tasty Soup

Subway offers a variety of soups to choose between. The carbs range from 15 to 39g. Their Black Bean Soup has the greatest amount of carbs. Potato soup might seem like a low carb option but remember that it is the same as white bread. Your body processes it differently which increases your blood glucose levels. 

Steer Clear of the Cookies

Subway offers a cookie with their meals, but you’ll want to avoid the temptation because the cookies are high in sugar and carbs. Let the cashier know you are passing on the cookie, so they don’t stick it on your tray or in your bag. Depending on the cookie, it can range from 30 to 50 grams of carbs. 

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